Paris Jackson Undergoes Surgery for Golf Ball-Sized Abscess

"It was definitely the most pain that I'd ever been through in my entire life, considering I'm covered head to toe in tattoos," she said.

By Elyse Dupre Aug 13, 2018 1:19 PMTags

Paris Jackson recently underwent surgery to remove an abscess. 

The 20-year-old star revealed the news via Instagram Stories on Saturday.

"So long story short, I had surgery yesterday," the daughter of Michael Jackson said in a video message. She said the collection of pus was "almost the size of a golf ball" and that she needed to get it removed because "if it pops, you can go septic and die." 

"But I didn't die," she continued. "They operated immediately." 

In fact, the celeb said she declined the use of anesthesia and was "awake for all of it." 

"It was definitely the most pain that I'd ever been through in my entire life, considering I'm covered head to toe in tattoos," she said. "But, I'm alive."

She later apologized if she didn't seem quite like herself.

"Also sorry if I sound weird," she said at one point. "I'm on a lot of meds right now to kind of get me through the pain of the procedure. I shouldn't have even left bed today."

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Still, Jackson didn't let her procedure prevent her from missing a gig. On Saturday, the musician performed at the Canyon Sessions fundraiser for F--k Cancer in Los Angeles with her band The SoundFlowers. She seemed happy with the performance and joked they "didn't completely suck." 

She also had one very special fan in the audience—her grandmother, Katherine Jackson. The model told her fans it "means the world to me" to have her grandmother enjoy her music.

Feel better, Paris!

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