
Your First Look at Disney Channel's Freaky Friday Musical Adaptation Has Arrived

Exclusive! Disney Channel Original Movie will debut on the cable network later this year.

By Billy Nilles May 12, 2018 10:00 PMTags

It's a tale as old as time.

Overworked mother and rebellious teenage daughter butt heads. They wake up one fateful day in the other's body. They gain a greater appreciation for the other's struggles. Lessons are learned and bonds are forged.

OK, so maybe the story only dates back as far as Mary Rodgers' 1972 novel, but considering the amount of times Freaky Friday has been adapted for film, it certainly counts as one of Hollywood's most timeless tales. The latest adaptation, a musical version based on the Disney Theatrical Productions' stage adaptation, is headed our way later this year on Disney Channel as part of the Disney Channel Original Movie franchise. And E! News finally has your first look!

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In the clip, which is making its debut for lucky fans in attendance at today's Disney Channel GO! Fan Fest event at the Disneyland Resort, we get our first taste of stars Cozi Zuehlsdorff (playing mom Katherine in daughter Ellie's body) and Heidi Blickenstaff (as, you guessed it, daughter Ellie in mom Katherine's body). And while there's no musical moment in this sneak peek, we get a real taste for the comedy and emotion coming our way when the DCOM debuts.

"I love the scene so much because it is so funny but also so real and it shows how we go from such comedic moments to really genuine ones," Zuehlsdorff said of one of her favorite scenes.

Joining Blickenstaff and Zuehlsdorff in the cast are Ricky He as Ellie's friend, Adam, Alex Désert as Katherine's fiancé, Mike, Jason Maybaum as Ellie's little brother, Fletcher, and Kahyun Kim as Torrey, Katherine's high-strung business associate.  Additional cast members include Dara Renee, Jennifer Laporte, Isaiah Lehtinen, and Sarah Willey.

Freaky Friday was first adapted for the screen in 1976 with stars Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster. In 1995, Shelley Long and Gaby Hoffman stepped into the lead roles in a Disney Family Movie made for ABC. And in 2003, it returned to the big screen for a Walt Disney Pictures feature film starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan.

Check out the clip above!

Freaky Friday debuts this summer on Disney Channel.

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