Kris Jenner Speaks Out Amid Kanye West Backlash: He Always Has "Really Good Intentions"

On Friday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show the momager spoke out about her son-in-law

By Elyse Dupre May 04, 2018 2:34 PMTags

Kris Jenner opened up about the controversy surrounding her son-in-law Kanye West on Friday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

The rapper recently made headlines for tweeting his stance on Donald Trump and saying that slavery "sounds like a choice" during an interview with TMZ.

When Ellen asked what was going on with Kanye and if he was OK, the momager said he "always does things with really good intentions."

"You know, Kanye has a lot of love for all of you, all of his fans, and everybody who's been there to support him forever," she said. "And, I know that he will explain himself in his own way. And, I think that anything he does–and I just think this is important to say is–he always does things with really good intentions. So, I'm going to let him explain himself when the time is ready."

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star isn't the only family member to recently address Kanye's behavior. Kim Kardashian took to Twitter last week to defend him after media reports suggested his Twitter sprees were a sign of a possible mental breakdown. 

"To the media trying to demonize my husband let me just say this... your commentary on Kanye being erratic & his tweets being disturbing is actually scary," she wrote on April 25. "So quick to label him as having mental health issues for just being himself when he has always been expressive is not fair."

She also addressed his stances on Trump after the rapper referred to the commander-in-chief as "my brother" and shared a picture of him wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.

"Now when he spoke out about Trump... Most people (including myself) have very different feelings & opinions about this. But this is HIS opinion," she wrote. "I believe in people being able to have their own opinions, even if really different from mine He never said he agrees with his politics."

It looks like Kanye's business partners are also standing by him. On Thursday, Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted said the company had not discussed dropping the Yeezy leader within the past 24 hours.

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