You Gotta Watch Kelly Ripa's Audition for American Idol

See the host show off her vocal talents for the judges of the singing show

By Cydney Contreras Mar 09, 2018 11:50 PMTags
Kelly Ripa, American IdolLIVEKellyandRyan

Kelly Ripa might have found her new calling.

In a funny video, the Live With Kelly and Ryan host delivered a surprisingly decent performance when she auditioned in front of the new judges of American Idol.

"I don't think they've mentally prepared for what I have to offer," the blonde said.

Before the "singer" went before Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie, her co-host and the host of Idol, Ryan Seacrest, was delegated the task of calming her nerves. Seacrest, in addition to a spiked drink, helped Ripa to overcome those worries as she warmed up for the chance of a lifetime.

Ripa revealed to the judges that her mom and dad had always told her she had "the voice of angel," but when it came time to decide Kelly's fate, the judges did not agree.

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Luckily, the judges took it easy on the 47-year-old, calling her singing "unique." 

And while she didn't exactly get her golden ticket to Hollywood for her singing talents, the star and her entourage embraced and jumped with glee as she showed them her expired golden ticket.

Watch the video above to see the funny audition!

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