Dancing with the Stars Week 7: Which 2 Couples Went Home on Movie Night?

It's double elimination time!

By Lauren Piester May 02, 2017 2:34 AMTags
Watch: Normani Kordei Is Having "Fun" on "Dancing With the Stars"

Didn't it feel like tonight's Dancing with the Stars was about three hours long? 

There was just so much going on, and the idea of a double elimination was just so daunting that it felt like it took forever to arrive. Finally, after an incredible night of movies, a performance from the cast of Descendants 2, and several lackluster dance offs, Nancy Kerrigan and Nick Viall were sent home. 

Unlike last week's elimination of Heather Morris, it wasn't a shock. Nick's been in the bottom two several times and Nancy was up there last week, but it was still hard to say goodbye, as it always mostly is. 

Now let's talk about the dances!

Dancing With the Stars' 10 Biggest Feuds

Bonner Bolton and Sharna Burgess: 29/40 

It's a testament to Sharna's ability to choreograph a western that we were very invested in the story of Bonner's movie. In fact, we were too invested to notice the actual dancing. But that means it at least wasn't bad enough to be distracting, so that's good for Bonner!


Nancy Kerrigan and Artem Chmerkovskiy: 36/40 

Pure Nancy dance, complete with the romance theme and flowing dress. The difference this time is that Nancy's finally got the confidence to own it. 

Dancing with the Stars Week 6: Who Shockingly Went Home in the Dark?

Simone Biles and Sasha Farber: 37/40 

That looked goddamn effortless. Turns out a silent movie Charleston is exactly what we've wanted from Simone all season and now we want more, please!


Nick Viall and Peta Murgatroyd: 33/40 

We'd like to commend Nick for knowing that cool guys do not look at explosions, even fake explosions on stage during an action movie-themed dance routine. The routine itself was cool, and the dancing was fine, but there was a lot to live up to this week. 


Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater: 37/40 

So much fun. Rashad's personality felt more on display tonight than it has any other week so far, and he was clearly having a blast in his horror movie. He was also, you know, good. 

Peta Murgatroyd: Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Heather Morris' Shocking Dancing With the Stars Elimination Is "Awful"

David Ross and Lindsay Arnold: 32/40

Was that sci-fi salsa a Dancing with the Stars routine or an exclusive club scene from Fast and Furious 14: Cars and Butts in Space? Either way we loved it and we'd like to adopt the aesthetic for our own. 


Normani Kordei and Val Chmerkosvkiy: 40/40 

A perfect score COMPLETELY deserved. Normani has been good all season, but she's officially the one to beat now. 

Dance Off: Simone vs. Nancy

Winner: Simone and Sasha 

Dance Off: Rashad vs. David

Winner: Rashad and Emma 

Dance Off: Nick vs. Bonner

Winner: Bonner 

Dancing with the Stars airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC. 

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