This $12 Product Might Just Be Keeping Khloe Kardashian's Lady Part "Looking $"

And more products for feminine hygiene

By Maya Kashlan Mar 09, 2017 9:23 PMTags

Just one of them days ?????? @makeupbymario @justinemarjan

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Emma Watson may swear by Fur Oil, but Khloé Kardashian's favorite products could be what you need to keep your lady parts happy.

It may seem embarrassing to talk about, but feminine hygiene—especially in the luxury products space—is a fast-growing market. Not only is it an important topic to discuss, but just like their skin care or beauty routine, we want to know about the celeb approach. Thankfully, Hollywood is slowly opening up to share. In the latest post on her app, Khloé revealed her go-to products and treatments "to ensure she's feeling fresh and looking $."

We get an assortment of recommendations, from your standard cleansing wash to a Vajacial, otherwise known as a "facial for your vagina," but there's one item that anyone who waxes or shaves could use. 

Beauty Brands Empowering Women

Enter: Shaveworks The Cool Fix Gel Lotion. Not only is this product affordable ($12), but it's also great for treating those aggravating ingrown hairs, irritation and razor bumps. Plus, it contains phytic acids, which will exfoliate the area skin and kill bacteria, and is alcohol-free, so you won't have to worry about any burns or stings on freshly shaven (or waxed) skin. "Whether you wax or shave, the delicate down-there skin can get angry as a result. Use this soothing gel between sessions to exfoliate, calm the skin and prevent ingrown hairs," described the app.

Best New Beauty Products of 2017

What else is on the list? Summer's Eve Cleansing Wash ($4) has balanced p.h. levels and fulfills the cleansing job. And aside from hitting the gym regularly, the Revenge Body star uses products to keep her vagina in shape. According to her app, the Elvie Exercise Tracker ($199) is like "having a personal trainer for your v-jay." This savvy tool allows you to tighten up your vaginal muscles and track your Kegel-strengthening progress all while on your phone. For the full roundup, head to Khloe's app.

Thanks, Khlo, for always keeping it real. 

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