Miley Cyrus' Little Sister Noah Cyrus Releases Her Debut Single ''Cry''

Teenager drops her very first song

By Kendall Fisher Nov 15, 2016 10:25 PMTags

Miley Cyrus' 16-year-old sister Noah Cyrus is falling in her musical family's footsteps!

The youngest of the Cyrus clan just dropped her very first single, and it's really quite good. The song, "Make Me (Cry)" is way different than most artist's first, pop-inspired hit—including Miley's—as it follows a slower beat with a theme relating to toxic love and heartbreak. 

Her raspy vocals are incredibly reminiscent of her sister's as she teams up with U.K. singer and producer Labrinth and sings, "Gave you up 'bout 21 times/ Felt those lips tell me 21 lies/ You'll be the death of me, sage advice/ Loving you could make Jesus cry."

The chorus reads, "I never needed you like I do right now/ I never hated you like I do right now/ Cause all you ever do is make me..." the lyrics trail off as we hear the sound of a drop of water.

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Though "Make Me (Cry)" is her first single, it's not the first time she's recorded. In 2009, she sang the Ponyo children's theme song with Frankie Jonas (yes, as in Nick Jonas' younger brother).

As for her budding music career, Noah opened up in Paper magazine in April, saying, "My dad always had me sing alongside him while he played guitar. He taught me how to harmonize to an old song of his, 'Missing You.'"

But more than music being a family affair, Noah admitted, "Writing is the best way to get your mind clear. It's also a great way to explain your past or what you hope for the future."

Well, with a voice like that, it's looking like the future is bright for the youngest Cyrus family member!

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