Lin-Manuel Miranda Doesn't Throw Away His Shot to Take on Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live

Plus, Jimmy Fallon & Tina Fey Reunite as ''undecided voters" and more highlights from Oct. 8 show

By Natalie Finn Oct 09, 2016 2:19 PMTags

"Donald Trump" apple-ogizing was only the beginning on the latest episode of Saturday Night Live.

While the show didn't miss its chance to spoof the Republican presidential candidate, opening the show with Alec Baldwin continuing to play the most boorish version of Trump possible, the night's host, Lin-Manuel Miranda, took his own jab at the man as well.

Revamping "My Shot" from his critically beloved Tony winner Hamilton, Miranda danced through the halls of the studio pointing out head shots of past hosts, rapping all the way.

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"And so we thicken the plot / stirrin' the pot tonight / I'm finally earning my spot / On this wall in this hall / and I'm getting a piece of it / like Miley, Schumer, Morgan," he pointed to pics of past hosts Miley Cyrus, Amy Schumer and Tracy Morgan, "and this piece of..."

He stopped at a picture of Trump, who hosted last year.

Then he did a quick personal dance, chanting, "Well, you never gonna be president now, never gonna be president now, never gonna be president now...'cause I'm not not gonna throw away my shot."


And that was hardly the end of it, either, as SNL dug in with a day-in-the-life spoof about Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, played by Kate McKinnon here, and then—in a moment positively beloved by Twitter last night—a couple of "undecided voters" from Pennsylvania popped up to chat about the election on "Weekend Update."


As in former "Weekend Update" co-anchors Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey showed up to chat about the election.

"Colin, I'm torn—from a scooter accident—but also I don't know who I'm going to vote for," Denise McDonough (Fey) lamented to Colin Jost, adding that her pal Doreen Troilo (Fallon) loved Trump.

"I don't love Trump," Doreen protested.

"Yeah, well stop actin' like you do, everyone thinks you love Trump," Denise advised. "You're always like, 'Oh, his hair's real ya know,'" she mimed ruffling the candidate's famed 'do—Fey also poking fun at the heat Fallon got for hosting Trump on The Tonight Show a couple weeks ago.

"I did it one time," Doreen said. "Get off my bra strap, cool police."

With back-and-forth like that, best you watch it yourself.

And really, highlights of Miranda joyfully hosting SNL for the first time are all you need on this fine Sunday morning.

(E! News and NBC are both members of the NBCUniversal family.)

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