These Live Tweets From a Woman Sitting By This Creepy Doll On a Plane are Gold

She live tweeted the entire trip

By Dominique Haikel Sep 23, 2016 10:45 PMTags
Twitter, Creepy Doll Twitter: Sara Novi?

It all started when Sara Nović found herself sitting next to a baby on a plane. By baby, we mean this nightmarish baby doll. Apparently, it belonged to the man beside her, and, thankfully she decided to live tweet the adventure. We'll start this out by saying, to each his own, and we're not judging if that doll is what makes him happy. Its face is just extremely creepy, and we'd rather trade sitting by this thing for a real screaming baby. What makes this particularly fascinating, is the fact that this man bought his doll a ticket. Nović tweeted, "The flight attendant is trying to explain to him why he shouldn't put the doll's name on the ticket next time he buys her one." It gets better; "Apparently the TSA was frantically trying to match the name and birth date he provided UNTIL THEY REALIZED...IT'S NOT A REAL PERSON."

Celebs With Their Own Barbie Dolls

I mean in all fairness, who doesn't name their dolls, you know? Maybe? She updated an eager Twitter audience, noting that the man also came prepared with a "bunch of bananas as a snack," and that he was "going to Cincinnati to see the giant Noah's ark replica built to spec, and the creation museum. As a matter of course." Very interesting indeed. Thankfully, because the universe is a beautiful and twisted place, the story gets even better. Apparently, she had to transfer planes at one point and ended up sitting across from him AGAIN.

Ugh, this whole story is just perfect, isn't it? In case you're wondering, the doll with the face of Satan goes by the lovely name of Barbara. "On the bright side, Barbara was a very well- behaved baby," Nović tweeted. Like any good live tweet, it had to end somewhere. She signed off, "In closing, whatever the function of this doll, not judging. That she had an evil face and her own ticket I stand by as strange." Fair enough! 

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