Britney Spears Admits "I'm a Weird, Anxiety-Ridden Person"

"Make Me" songstress reveals another side of herself

By Francesca Bacardi Sep 09, 2016 5:53 PMTags
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Britney Spears is sharing the side of her that fans don't know: the non-celebrity side.

The "Make Me" songstress opens up to Flaunt magazine about the real her, the version that surprisingly doesn't listen to her music and prefers to stay at home and relax even though she's killing it in her Las Vegas residency. "I think with a lot of things in the past, I didn't have security. I didn't have the guidelines that I have now, which are brilliant. I'm very close to my security team," she tells the magazine.

"I have kids now too, so everything is on a way lower scale. I'm actually a very boring person. I don't go out. I don't really do anything. I should be Mother Mary, seriously. I think my life has done a complete 360. Things are just different now. It's a different time. It's a different era."

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Because she's so scaled down these days, Brit Brit sometimes finds herself avoiding big crowds. "Oh, I'm so weird," she says. "I get nervous in a lot of situations. Parties, clubs. When there are a lot of people around, I'm a weird, anxiety-ridden person."

Preferring to spend time with her kids and friends and family with whom she's closest, Spears doesn't often find herself keeping track of downloads, streams, etc. When told how many millions of views her "Make Me" video racked up online, Spears didn't even realize how much of a feat it was. Instead, she prefers to focus on the here and now.

"It's funny, because I don't really listen to my music," she says. "My kids do and my nieces do. I'm about the creative process. I'm in the moment of being creative and then I put it out there. Of course, I sing my songs every night [at her ongoing residency at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas] and I have to listen to it that way, but I'm all about change. And new. And forthcoming."

She adds, "But, there is a part of me in my music and I hope, for my fans, that they can have that part of me when they hear me on the radio, or buy my CD, or whatever they do."

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