Teen Wolf Is Ending: Check Out the Final Season Trailer!

Jeff Davis announced that this will be the MTV series' final season at the show's Comic-Con panel

By Lauren Piester Jul 21, 2016 11:51 PMTags

Get ready to say goodbye to Beacon Hills. 

Executive producer Jeff Davis just announced at Teen Wolf's San Diego Comic Con panel on Thursday at the MTV series will end after its upcoming sixth season, which will consist of just 20 episodes. That means that the show will end with its 100th episode. 

While the news is definitely sad for longtime fans of the series, it makes sense, given the fact that the characters are preparing to graduate from high school. 

The show also debuted a trailer for its final season, which included scenes with Dylan O'Brien, despite his injuries on the set of The Death Cure earlier this year. 

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In the trailer, which you can watch above, it appears that there's a new bad guy in town who's intent on erasing people from reality. Of course, he starts with our beloved Stiles, who at one point has even been forgotten by his own dad!

So basically we're in for one hell of an emotional season, regardless of the fact that it's also the last season. Better stock up on those tissues now!

Teen Wolf stars Tyler Posey, Holland Roden, Shelley Hennig, Dylan O'Brien, and Dylan Sprayberry. It returns to MTV for its final season in November, and will conclude in 2017.

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