Sara Bareilles Recovering From Surgery After Getting Fibroid Removed From Her Uterus

The 36-year-old singer joked, "For those of you who don't like over-sharers, you came to the wrong canteen!"

By Corinne Heller Jul 21, 2016 2:38 PMTags
Sara Bareilles, Hospital, SurgeryInstagram

Get well soon, Sara Bareilles!

The 36-year-old "Brave" singer has revealed she has undergone a procedure to remove a uterine fibroid—and she is maintaining her sense of humor about it.

"So I have been healing from a minor surgery removing a fibroid on my uterus. (For those of you who don't like over-sharers, you came to the wrong canteen! Two doors down...great daiquiris.)," Bareilles wrote on Instagram Wednesday, alongside photo of herself in a hospital gown.

Fibroids are uterine tumors that are almost always non-cancerous and are relatively common, mostly among women in their 40s and 50s. However, if left untreated, they can grow to be large enough to cause bleeding or swelling of the abdomen, put pressure on the bladder or rectum and in extreme cases, lead to infertility.

"Well, surgery sucks but helpers and families are amazing, nurses are angels, and doctors are wizards," Bareilles continued. "In the silence and solitude of the simple task of my body seeking it's healed state, I have become vigilant about what I am intaking. Physically and metaphorically. Be careful about how much negativity and noise you heap on your plate. It comes in abundance, but there are other beautiful things at the buffet." 

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Fibroid surgery is carried out under general anesthesia and most patients are released the same day. The procedure is performed either through the cervix or the abdomen. While women who have undergone either type of surgery can usually resume their regular day-to-day activities afterwards, they may experience uterine pain and spotting for several days or even weeks.

"The slow pace of my recovery has simplified my world in a way, and I am reminded to absolutely acknowledge the chaos of a very strange/surreal time in our country and on our beloved planet, but ALSO remember to come back into the room I'm actually sitting in," she said. "Celebrate what is good about that too. I will continue to mend and hopefully return with more patience and compassion and knowledge of Game of Thrones."

"Hope this finds you seeking some joy or handing some out to somebody else. We could all use a slice of that. Nothin' but love, y'all," she said, adding, "Please note I am eating a turkey sandwich on heavy painkillers in the lower right hand picture. Sassy and sedated! Ya welcome."

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