
Bindi Irwin Adorably Gushes Over Her Boyfriend Chandler Powell, But What Would Steve Irwin Think?

Steve Irwin's daughter is in love

By Kendall Fisher May 19, 2016 6:39 PMTags
Watch: Bindi Irwin Gushes Over Boyfriend Chandler

Bindi Irwin feels like the luckiest girl in the world, and she can thank her boyfriend, Chandler Powell, for that!

The 17-year-old Dancing With the Stars winner sat down with E! News' Carissa Culiner and chatted about her relationship and why Chandler means so much to her.

"I'm really lucky. I have the best boyfriend," she gushed. "Chandler is still with me, and we've been together quite a few years now, and I'm lucky."

Of course, we couldn't help but ask Bindi's mom, Terri, how the late Steve Irwin would feel about his daughter's relationship.

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"I think because Chandler's a nice person and really kind to Bindi that he'd be very happy," Terri expressed. "What's kind of ironic is I was talking to Chandler's mother, and he was an avid Crocodile Hunter fan when he was little. So he used to put on the big khaki shirt and go to school when he was in first grade and pretend to be Steve."

In fact, his love for animals has continued as he's gotten older. "He always loves animals, and to this day, he rescues turtles off the road and that sort of thing," Terri continued. "If you have that consideration and empathy for all living things, you're a pretty good person."

Watch: How "DWTS" Changed Bindi Irwin's Life

Bindi also couldn't help but gush over another love in her life: Dancing With the Stars.

"Dancing With the Stars was so different—it was unlike anything I've ever done in my whole life," she explained. "I hadn't even worn high heels before!"

But more than just winning the competition and learning something new, the young star says she's happy it gave her a platform to do more for other people.

"I wanted to try this experience because I wanted to be able to reach out to people and share my journey and my story," she revealed. "People who have had similar situations as our family, and I really just wanted to say that no matter what happens in life, you can find that happiness and love and light in every single day. It was a beautiful experience, it was challenging at times, and I'm really grateful for it…I just wanted to use that momentum to raise awareness and encourage people to stand up for what they believe in and remember that, if you stay true to yourself, you can undertake and accomplish anything in life."

Bindi Irwin's Grown-Up Style

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