STD Testing Website Gives Bernie Sanders Slogan a New Twist

If you "Feel the Burn" you might want to get tested

By Dominique Haikel Mar 31, 2016 11:49 PMTags
Feel the Burn BillboardTwitter

We wonder how Bernie Sanders feels about all of this! A crazy new billboard recently popped up in Los Angeles, according to Mashable. The ad is promoting a website that helps people find STD testing centers in their area. We're all for looking out for your sexual health, but did this billboard take things too far? The message, by, is an obvious play on Bernie's slogan, "Feel the Bern." "Feel the Burn?" it says, prompting onlookers to visit their site if they're concerned about their health. The same site had a billboard a short time ago with the words, "Get Tested and Chill," in the style of "Netflix and Chill." Pretty creative if you ask us. 

While we have to give them props for a punny and eye-catching ads, we seriously have to wonder if Bernie would be down with this current billboard. "Birdie Sanders," the little bird who landed on Bernie's podium the other day, was an adorable play on words. This billboard, however? We can't decide if it's a little harsh or just playful marketing. Perhaps a little bit of both? 

We want to know your opinion. Is the STD billboard taking things too far? Tell us why or why not in the comments!

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