
Rosa Mendes Is Feeling ''Great'' After Giving Birth to Baby, Talks Being a New Mom & Reveals How Her Life Has Changed: ''I Love It''

By Jess Cohen Mar 09, 2016 2:30 PMTags
Rosa Mendes, Total Divas, Instagram, Bobby, JordanInstagram

Rosa Mendes is loving life as a mom!

The Total Divas star and her fiancé Bobby Schubenski welcomed their daughter Jordan three weeks ago and now Rosa is sharing how her life has changed since giving birth.

"I'm feeling great," Rosa tells E! News exclusively. "Jordan is such a good baby, she's been sleeping so good. I get four hours of sleep at a time, so that's really good for a new mom. She's been fantastic, she already has a little personality on her, she's very feisty, when she wants something she lets me know it. She's like her mom."

Rosa also reveals that Bobby has been "so great" with Jordan.

"It's so nice to see him bond with her," she gushes. "It's so cute."


So who does Jordan look like, mom or dad?

"You know what's funny? It's like I don't know if people are lying to us because like all of my friends say she looks like me and all his friends say she looks like him," she laughs. "So I'm like are people trying to kiss our butts or whatever? Who does she really look like?"

Rosa says they'll have to see "when she gets older" and that maybe Jordan is "in between both of us."

Now that Rosa's a new mom her life has completely changed.

"Oh my Gosh it has changed like, made a total 180," Rosa reveals. "From being on the road to being a mom is totally different, you have to wake up, you have to feed her every four hours, if she doesn't wake up you have to wake her up to feed her because right now is the time where she's growing so you have to make sure she gets all the nutrients she needs. So if she oversleeps you can't do that, you gotta wake her up, which is really hard to wake up a baby that's sleeping but it's really important for her to get her nutrients. So every four hours I feed her, I change her all the time. Bath time is really fun because she loves getting her hair washed."


So cute!

"I just love holding her," Rosa gushes. "Sometimes she'll be in her crib and she'll get kinda fussy and I'll hold her and I'll put her on my chest and she'll calm down and it's like so amazing how like just being with me, that's what she wanted. It's so cute, I just love it so much."

Having a baby is such an amazing experience for a couple to go through. So has this experience brought Rosa and Bobby close together?

"I think him being at the delivery, I think him seeing me go through that he was like, 'You are a Wonder Woman, you're a Super Woman and you're amazing,'" Rosa reveals. "The words he said to me after delivery were, he was like, 'You're the strongest woman I've ever met.' He was in awe with me after that so I think our bond has gotten so much stronger after Jordan. And the way he looks at her, I mean that makes me fall in love with him even more because he just looks at her with so much love and you know I watch him while he's holding her and that to me is like so attractive and it makes me love him way more. It's a special sight to see someone you love, especially a man holding his daughter and just looking at her with such tender eyes. It's so beautiful."


Rosa is so in love with her baby girl, she admits she "cried" when she tried going out to lunch recently.

"Yeah actually I went out to lunch the other day with Bobby and nanna, which is grandma, wanted to take care of her and have some alone time with her so we went out to lunch," Rosa explains. "And because we're like 40 minutes away from everything, I was gone for like two and a half hours and I cried."


"I think it was the hormones," Rosa says. "Apparently after pregnancy, or after the delivery, your hormones are crazy. So I was like, 'Aw I love Jordan so much!' I'm eating and I'm like, 'I love her so much!' And Bobby was like, 'OK we need to go home, your hormones.'"


Rosa and Jordan have such a special bond, it's almost indescribable.

"So many people will tell you, like mothers and fathers, 'The love you have for your child is so special.' But special is an understatement," Rosa explains. "I feel like the love you have for your child is beyond, like you can't describe it in words, it is a bond like no other and it's so special and it's such a strong intense love, that you really can't describe it in words. Like when she, when I delivered her and they put her on my chest, she looked at me right away with her big beautiful brown eyes and she knew I was her mom. And right there, that connection was incredible."

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