Harnessing the Power of Custom-Branded Apps: APMC Smashes Boundaries With Dude Perfect

This unique partnership and strategy has resulted in the Dude Perfect branded app, a platform devoted solely to the immensely popular content produced by the YouTube juggernaut themselves.

By Tom White with APG Dec 20, 2023 1:00 PMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency Dude PerfectAPG


In the realm of digital content and streaming services, the landscape is ever-changing. New realms are being mapped out and the undiscovered territories are fewer and farther between. Yet, deep within this ever-evolving universe, pioneers are at work, forging new pathways and creating immersive experiences designed to captivate, educate, and entertain. One such pioneer is A Parent Media Co. Inc. (APMC), the power behind safe streaming services like Kidoodle.TV®, and they're raising the bar with an exciting collaboration.

APMC and the world-renowned digital brand Dude Perfect have teamed up to deliver a new streaming experience for fans through a custom-branded app. This unique partnership and strategy has resulted in the 'Dude Perfect' branded app, a platform devoted solely to the immensely popular content produced by the YouTube juggernaut themselves.

So, what makes this so exciting and why should you, as a viewer or influencer, care?

The custom-branded app approach brings a new level of personalization and intimacy to the user experience. It centers the entire streaming experience around one core brand or creator, reducing clutter and focusing on delivering what audiences genuinely care about. For influencers, this presents a meaningful opportunity to deepen bonds with their audience, cross-promote, add content value, and even explore new monetization avenues.

And the Dude Perfect app? Let's delve a bit further. It's so much more than just a platform filled with their engaging trick shots, behind-the-scenes footage, and thrilling battles. It's a full-fledged, safe ecosystem for fans, endorsed by parents who trust the clean, wholesome, and child-friendly reputation both brands represent.

Neil Gruninger, President and CEO of APMC, and one of the visionaries behind the strategy, describes this successful venture as the birth of a new era for APMC and how digital content can be consumed. "Collaborating with Dude Perfect allowed us to use our core streaming technology and a decade of experience to design a new kind of platform. Ensuring the safety of young fans and families while providing an enjoyable and interactive environment for them has been an extraordinary journey for APMC," he says.

The initiative undoubtedly sets a precedent. It wisely leverages Dude Perfect's fans' familiarity and comfort, all while staying rooted in APMC's cornerstone: safety. This approach seems to effectively pave the way for influencers and content creators keen on expanding their brand while prioritizing safety and quality content for impressionable young viewers.

Reflecting on the impact of such ventures, Gruninger notes, "As a company we've been laying the groundwork through an end-to-end technology offering that was waiting for an opportunity like our collaboration with Dude Perfect. It isn't just about transforming their content into a unique branded app experience, rather, it's about pushing boundaries, and showing digital creators the potential that lies in their brand beyond YouTube or traditional social platforms."

Chad Coleman, Chief Brand Officer of Dude Perfect, shares these sentiments: "Joining forces with APMC has unleashed a new realm of possibilities for us. Having our dedicated platform allows us to interact directly with our fans in a safe and innovative way. It's not just about creating content anymore; it's about creating a community that feels like home to all our fans."

In this landscape, creating a custom-branded app with APMC not only grants a sense of uniqueness but also drives improved visibility, leading to higher views, deeper audience engagement, and above all, a renewed brand loyalty.

The strategy of custom-branded apps titillates eager followers with the precise content they're looking for all in a safe ecosystem. Such an exclusive, personalized digital space leads to higher engagement, as audiences feel more connected to their influencers, a factor critical for creators aiming to maintain a vibrant, active digital presence. The Dude Perfect service for instance, includes a Trick Shot of the Month where fans can have their own trick shot appear next to their heroes, giving the power back to the fans and creating a more connected experience.

Moreover, these custom-branded apps become a safe haven for parents, guiding their youngsters towards appropriate content without the risk of inappropriate distractions. Such safety enables creators to garner trust among this target demographic, leading to potentially higher approvals and views.

The takeaway? The successful launch of the Dude Perfect app doesn't just change the game for the brand itself. It opens doors for similar digital brands and influencers to consider new, safer, and more intimate ways of connecting with their audiences and expanding their reach.

So, as you switch on your devices and explore your favorite digital brands, consider this: The world of digital content and streaming services is changing. The emergence of branded apps is a testament to the exciting possibilities these changes promise. And as always, the key to making the most of this digital revolution lies in staying informed, adaptable, and open to new experiences.

The future of streaming? It's looking more exciting, engaging, and personalized than ever before, one custom-branded app at a time.

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