Can You Follow Your Diet Until You're 90? If the Answer Is No, This Can Help

Majority of diets are difficult to sustain, but by considering this one key ingredient, you can finally change that.

By Tom White with APG Oct 06, 2023 1:00 PMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency BIOptimizersBIOptimizers


The key to a healthy lifestyle is consistency, but the problem is, the majority of diets today are difficult to maintain. After a few short months of keto or veganism, it's easy to bounce back to previous eating habits and before you know it, fall completely flat.

According to the Ultimate Nutrition Bible by Matt Gallant and Wade Lightheart, the reason why this happens so often is because most diets take zero consideration of your psychology. In other words, they utilize a one-size-fits-all approach that does not consider your unique needs, preferences, or health conditions.

"To boil it down to the simplest concept, your diet needs to be structured in a way that appeals to you," says Gallant. "If right out of the gate, you ask yourself, could I follow this diet until I'm 80, 90? And the answer is no, then you know for sure it's not sustainable," he adds.

For most people, the true make-or-break factor for long-term success on a diet comes down to whether or not the diet satisfies their psychology. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for everyone, but if one thing is for sure, it's that diets that work are ones that satisfy your emotional and psychological needs.


To begin to figure out what your needs are, a simple question you can ask yourself is, "Am I a natural lover of plants and vegetables?" If you are, it might make sense to follow a more plant-based diet. If you are a steak lover, then perhaps a ketogenic or carnivore diet might make sense.

Of course, these sorts of questions merely scratch the surface, but they are designed to help you think about your own needs versus what diet culture has taught you. They demonstrate that a sustainable diet ultimately comes down to working with your body to achieve your health goals, rather than against it.

This means two things: One, in order to build a psychologically sustainable diet, you must eliminate the negative ideas, thoughts, or ideologies you have about yourself and your diet, and second, build a diet that's aligned with your core psychological nature.

To achieve long-term results, you have to be aware of your personal drives and what your psychological and emotional needs are around food. You must be self-aware about your traumas and resentments, and what your brain needs to be driven, satisfied, and motivated.

"Understanding your personal psychology is key to success in any diet," says Lightheart, stressing the importance of differences between other people being okay. "Between Matt and myself, Matt likes to have a diet break once a week, whereas I'm the complete opposite. I'd rather stay locked in a diet for whatever length of time because if I go off it, it's hard to reel myself back in," he continues.


In addition to being the authors of the Ultimate Nutrition Bible, Lightheart and Gallant are the founders of BIOptimizers. They were both personal trainers working with pro athletes and other high performers, and have a collective 60 years of experience in this field. Needless to say, Gallant and Lightheart are passionate about helping people achieve their health goals.

"There's two key questions that everybody needs to ask themselves which are, what is the right diet for me right now? And am I doing it the best way? The answers to those questions can change depending on where people are on their journey and at what point they ask themselves, but we're here to help them find those answers," says Gallant.

If by the time you're 90 years old you'd like to be as healthy as can be, it's important that you take matters into your own hands now, and that fundamentally comes down to what you consume.

"If you look at virtually any of the literature on high-performance athletes, you'll start to see that diet is not just one thing, it's everything," says Lightheart.

"The good news is, only a fraction of a percent of the world needs to be that restrictive," adds Gallant. "The rest of us can be moderately restrictive at certain times and achieve great health and great bodies."

If you're ready to achieve your great body and would like to take advantage of Matt Gallant and Wade Lightheart's nutrition expertise, be sure to purchase a copy of the Ultimate Nutrition System today.

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