Reality TV's Next Star: Meet Restoration Tycoon Yakir Levi

An ex-soldier, musician, and the founder of 770 Water Damage & Restoration, Levi navigated life's twists and turns to become a restoration tycoon.

By APG Jun 28, 2023 1:00 PMTags
Paid Content Image, Ascend Agency, Yakir Levi


Get ready to meet your newest reality TV obsession: Yakir Levi. An ex-soldier, musician and the founder of 770 Water Damage & Restoration, Levi navigated life's twists and turns to become a restoration tycoon. His self-made multimillion-dollar business provides water damage and restoration services to the star-studded Los Angeles area, boasting a staff of over 150 dedicated employees. This dynamic powerhouse is set to make waves on television screens worldwide with a reality show capturing the thrills and spills of his incredible journey and the daily operation of his bustling company.

However, Yakir's early years were challenging. Raised without a father after losing him in 1982, Levi's tenacious spirit propelled him from humble beginnings to unprecedented heights. His journey took him across the globe, from serving in the Israeli Defense Force's (IDF) special unit to lighting up New York's nightlife scene as a musician. Along the way, Levi struck gold in the cosmetics industry, building a beauty empire that still thrives in the heart of NYC.

But how did Levi transition from beauty restoration to water restoration, ultimately becoming the "Water Damage King" of L.A.? It all started in 2015 when his own home was struck by a water disaster. Inspired by this experience, Levi dived into the restoration business. After acquiring his water damage certification in November 2018, he took on his first restoration job. From there, it was a meteoric rise. In just three short years, he expanded his business twentyfold, etching his name into the annals of L.A.'s restoration industry.

Levi's restoration prowess became legendary when he completed the most expensive water restoration in history, a task that took place in L.A.'s priciest mansion. This feat combined his dual passions for real estate development and restoration showcased his unique ability to successfully juggle different facets of his life.

It's not just his business acumen that makes Levi shine; it's his heart. Known as a life coach and advisor to billionaires, Levi uses his unique insights to make a difference. He made it his mission to provide help where it's needed most: aiding ex-convicts and abused women in their recovery and offering them a fresh start at his company. This unique blend of empathy, resilience and business savvy is what sets Levi apart from the rest.

What can viewers expect from this up-and-coming reality TV show? Besides giving us a backstage pass to the high-stakes world of water damage and restoration, the series promises an intimate look into Levi's multifaceted life. It will showcase his balancing act as a CEO, real estate developer, founder, and philanthropist while dealing with the daily drama of running L.A.'s largest water restoration and damage company.

Tune in to witness Levi in action, conquering challenges, and navigating the often tumultuous world of entrepreneurship with flair. From soldier to musician, and from cosmetics mogul to restoration tycoon, he is proof that life's winding roads can lead to the most unexpected destinations. Reality TV's next star is here, and he's ready to give us an electrifying display of resilience, tenacity, and sheer willpower. Get ready for a whirlwind journey through the trials and triumphs of one of LA's most intriguing entrepreneurs. Welcome to the world of Yakir Levi!

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