Your October Horoscopes Are Here, Taurus

The name of the game in October is balance, and celebrity-favorite tarot card reader Angie Banicki is here to be your guide.

By Natalie Finn, Angie Banicki Oct 07, 2022 4:54 PMTags
Horoscopes: TaurusGetty Images; Melissa Herwitt/E! Illustration

Welcome to your October horoscopes from Angie Banicki.

A modern mystic and explorer of the soul, Angie has become Hollywood's go-to tarot card reader, providing divine guidance and unique life-mapping skills for the celebrity set. Along the way, she's opened the minds of even the biggest skeptics with her refreshing, down-to-earth perspective on energy and spirituality.

Angie's signature taroscopes address the mind, body and spirit. Her method (incorporating tarot cards, astrology, channeling and music) goes beyond traditional horoscopes to offer heightened awareness and guidance—both cosmic and practical— for each sign.

So, crank up the songs in your tailored playlist and you'll hear the message you need and wisdom you didn't even realize you were waiting for.

Angie's insight is intended to help inform your thoughts and actions as much as you see fit, so feel free to put aside whatever doesn't call to you. But take notice of what you connect with, embrace what inspires you and let it help guide you along the way. And definitely don't forget to have fun.

Read on for your October taroscope...

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Influence: The Moon

Music: "Dance With Me" by Nouvelle Vague, "Overwhelming" by Jon Bellion, "Be Mine" by David Gray

Taurus, cut the chains of victimhood that might be binding you to the past, all the stuff you've been carrying around that has held you back from LIFING in joy! Part of your work this month is to try and tune out technology. Start by shutting off your phone, perhaps at a certain time every day, or stepping away from social media. What feels good to you? What's going to allow you to live more in the moment? What's going to remind you to be so gd grateful for everything and everyone you have in your life?

Then, you can think of other ways to allow for more of that gratitude. Perhaps it's spending some time looking into the eyes of your lover or a potential lover (not in a creepy way, but you get it). You have snake medicine this month, and make that black mamba snake medicine. Somehow that feels so much bigger, and maybe even more sensual. What are you going to shed, Taurus? This is your moment because the months coming up are filled with so much new, you gotta make some space!

Final Thought: "Do not grow old, no matter how long you live.  Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born." —Albert Einstein

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