
Big Brother's Memphis Garrett Shares Rare Glimpse Into His Romance With Christmas Abbott

In an exclusive interview with E! News, Big Brother's Memphis Garrett revealed if he sees an engagement in his future with Christmas Abbott.

By Mike Vulpo Apr 05, 2021 2:00 PMTags
Watch: "Big Brother" All-Stars Memphis & Christmas Are Dating

When Memphis Garrett signed up for Big Brother: All Stars, finding love wasn't a goal.

Instead, the reality star was focused on forming alliances, winning key competitions and taking home $500,000. But while separated from the outside world, Memphis built a connection with one houseguest that proved to be something special.

In an exclusive interview with E! News, the Big Brother veteran opened up about his romance with Christmas Abbott and answered some burning questions along the way. 

"Me and Christmas had never met before we went on the show," he explained. "When I went on the show, I had no idea she was going to be on. I didn't even know I would be on the show until the last minute. When she came down those stairs, my jaw dropped. I was like, ‘Oh s--t.'"

Memphis continued, "Memphis continued, "In all honesty, I just knew when I saw her, this is going to get interesting. It's so interesting to look back and realize I fell in love with this woman on a reality show, but I know in my heart that it was always meant to be that way, which is crazy."

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According to Memphis, there was an "underlying tone when we were in the house that we had this connection." But while stuck in the house for more than 80 days, the pair didn't act on any feelings. 


After the show ended, the pair quesitoned if the connection they had was "just a house thing." But after spending four days apart, the duo realized there was something more.

"We realized really quickly that this is real," Memphis explained. "This is as real as it gets. We made the decision to jump in head-first and then we had to go back to the relationships we were at and basically break up, which is never a fun thing to do. It's not written in the book. You don't want to go on a reality show and have to come home and break up with the person you're dating. It's not ideal, especially in the spotlight."

The Florida resident continued, "I like to think I'm not a bad dude and there was no ill intent and it wasn't meant to be in that way, but you just got to deal with it. If your heart says something, you got to do it."

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Today, Memphis and Christmas' chemistry is on display through their Instagram posts. And more than five months after Big Brother: All Stars concluded its season, one contestant has no regrets.

Instagram @courtneysylvanna

"She brings out the best in me," Memphis declared. "She's an amazing woman on all accounts and she's my counter flame. She's my person."

In fact, Christmas has motivated her boyfriend to work even harder within the hospitality industry. During the coronavirus pandemic, Memphis got into the spirits business and launched Los Magos Sotol. He will also release a vodka soda company called Fancy Can.

This month, Memphis will open Blue Wave Sushi, a ghost-kitchen concept featuring delivery and takeout bento boxes with top-tier fresh ingredients and meticulous execution in South Florida.


And if that wasn't enough, Memphis will launch No Man's Land, an intimate and sophisticated cocktail lounge and eatery for South Florida residents.  

"You have to just go for it and push, push, push," Memphis explained. "This is a good time for me and I give a lot of credit to Christmas. She's definitely empowered me on another level and lit a fire under me that I haven't had in a while."

Even if work within the Garrett Hospitality Group gets busy, the CEO and founder will always find time for romance. The couple is planning a trip to Peru later this year. And for those wondering if an engagement could be in the future, get ready!

"That's one thousand percent a possibility," Memphis declared. "It's just a matter of timing. I'm a firm believer in timing. We both have a kid and we have co-parents and it's a scenario where you have to tread lightly. You have to respect your ex partners and with us, we've taken the time and moved slow and it's just a process." 

He continued, "When we talk and we're together, I'm not rushed to get to that point because I just know we're going to be together forever so it's all good. It's all going to happen at some point."

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