Shawn Mendes and Matthew McConaughey Reveal the Surprising Way Their Bromance Began

During a recent virtual interview, Shawn Mendes and Matthew McConaughey shared how they became friends after being fans of each other for so long.

By Mona Thomas Dec 08, 2020 1:47 PMTags
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Ever wondered how Shawn Mendes and Matthew McConaughey became best bros? 

Well, during the Monday, Dec. 7 episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, the superstars answered that burning question. In fact, the "Wonder" singer even said he might've "forced" the friendship on the Oscar winner.

"I messaged him a few times on Instagram," Shawn confessed to James Corden. "I asked for his phone number and then was like, ‘I gotta call.' I was in desperate need of advice and that's how the friendship started."

What was the wise, sage advice the actor bestowed onto him? Shawn revealed, "I think I was looking for some counsel on how to just take the blame and take the glory."

He then recalled to the Greenlights author, "You told me something—actually, this was before I read the book—you said, ‘You have to be the author of your own life.' And I think there comes a point in everybody's life where you kind of have to start making your own choices and that means taking the blame when things go wrong and taking the glory when things go right."

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"After that conversation, it was like all these opportunities," Shawn said. "I just heard you in my ear, ‘You have to be the author of your own life.' And I was like, ‘Alright, I got this. I'm gonna do this.'

During their joint interview, the 51-year-old actor also shared his love of the singer's music. "I saw this young man who I was a fan—I think I may have been a fan of yours before you were a fan of mine," Matthew noted. "I don't know how long you've been a fan of mine." 

However, with the 22-year-old "Treat You Better" artist told Matthew, "I've been a fan of yours since before I was even—I had braces and no one ever knew my name back in Canada still."

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