Go Inside Paris Hilton's Jaw-Dropping Los Angeles Mansion

Paris Hilton gave her YouTube subscribers a look inside her home renovations currently underway. Keep scrolling to watch a tour of the star's iconic mansion.

By Mona Thomas Nov 25, 2020 8:35 PMTags
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Ever wondered what the inside of Paris Hilton's home looks like? Well, here's a close look inside. 

On Wednesday, Nov. 25, the multi-million dollar business woman gave her 1 million YouTube subscribers a tour of "Slivington Manor" in Los Angeles, which has been under renovation for nearly two years. 

In the 17-minute video, Paris walked through the empty rooms as she reminisced about her memories in each. She began in her office and product showroom that "literally looked like a store," which will ultimately be transformed into a wellness room. She then walked through the kitchen, dining room, and what will soon-to-be her new office. 

In the master bedroom, the pop culture icon recalled the former closet full of shoes attached to the room. 

"This is depressing," Paris said as she realized her bedroom balcony was deconstructed. "If you haven't seen what this room looked like before, it was literally like paradise."

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She continued, "And I have so many shoes so we ended up making a full-on shoe room so every wall was just all of my shoes. All Louis Vuitton's, everywhere, all color coordinated. It was like something like out of a store. It was so gorgeous." 

The "Stars Are Blind" singer also discussed her once jewelry room being robbed.

"I came in here one night, this room was completely empty because they had came in and stolen basically every single thing," she remembered. "So one night when I came home, the entire house was robbed and this room literally has like nothing in it when there was like thousands of pieces of jewelry. Now it's all gone." 

Towards the end of the video, the house was more completed to Paris' liking after organizers fleshed out the rooms with furniture and shoes and clothing filling the majority of the closets.

The mega mansion has a lot more work to be done still, however the multi-talented star revealed that she will be doing "an after" video when everything is completed.

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