Cameron Diaz Reveals Sister-in-Law Nicole Richie Still Watches Old Newlyweds Episodes

If you're still watching 15-year-old episodes of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's Newlyweds, don't fret because there's a star who's doing the exact same thing—and her name is Nicole Richie.

By Samantha Schnurr Nov 11, 2020 11:03 PMTags
Watch: Fans Just Realized Cameron Diaz Is Nicole Richie's Sister-in-Law

If you're still savoring the saga that was Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's OG reality show, you're in famous company. 

For readers who weren't quite of age in the early 2000s, take a quick stroll down memory lane with us. The year was 2003 and the formerly married music stars had embarked on not only a journey as wife and husband, but also as reality TV stars. Their MTV series—aptly named Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica—ran for three seasons and birthed meme-worthy gems like Simpson's confusion over canned tuna fish. The show ended in 2005, just months before Simpson filed for divorce—and the same year YouTube launched. 

While a lot has changed since then, Cameron Diaz newly revealed her famous sister-in-law, Nicole Richie, still tunes in to 2000s Nick and Jessica.

During an appearance on Danny Pellegrino's Everything Iconic podcast, she and Avaline co-founder Katherine Power dished on Richie's watching habits. 

Power began, "Nicole recently…"

"As recent," Diaz interjected, "as last night." Power, one of Richie's besties, continued, "She watches old Newlyweds on YouTube."

Jessica Simpson's Star-Studded Dating History

It's no surprise that Richie appreciates the reality TV classics. After all, she was also at the height of stardom in that genre at the time as a co-star of The Simple Life alongside Paris Hilton


More than a decade after the show made Richie a household name, she became sisters-in-law with the actress when Diaz married Benji Madden, the brother of Richie's husband, Joel Madden

Needless to say, it's a unique Hollywood story. Now we're just picturing them all gathered around a computer as a family binging old episodes of Newlyweds—and honestly, it sounds like great Friday night plans. 

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