Terry Bradshaw Gets the Best 72nd Birthday Presents Ever on The Bradshaw Bunch

By Allison Crist Nov 06, 2020 3:00 AMTags
Watch: Terry's Top Tips for Surviving a House Full of Women

Going out with a bang.

Tonight's all-new, back-to-back episodes of The Bradshaw Bunch doubled as the E! show's season finale, and lucky for former NFL star and family man Terry Bradshaw, everything came full circle—and on his birthday, no less!

As viewers may recall, Terry's been on a mission since the season premiere to solve "three problems," which correlate to each of his three daughters, Erin, Lacey and Rachel

Terry's problem with Erin—her refusal to admit she got a boob job—was arguably the easiest to solve (even though he went about doing so by going to the extraordinary length of throwing a pool party mid-winter) and Erin eventually came clean. 

With Lacey, Terry wanted her, her husband Noah and their two kids who live all the way in Hawaii, to move to Texas. 

It seemed like a long shot, especially since 7-year-old Zurie's newfound love of equestrianism wasn't even enough to get Noah fully on board. 

However, all of that changed tonight.

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"We are this close to swinging Noah and Lacey to move to Texas," Terry explained in a confessional. "We got a beautiful boat trip planned. That's gonna help seal the deal. Stage one. Then, the second part of the plan, I'm gonna make him a deal he can't refuse."

As part of what he dubbed "operation restaurant," Terry planned to buy a beloved restaurant that had recently gone out of business and make Noah, a renowned chef, co-owner.

"People will drive from Oklahoma City and Dallas when they find out award-winning chef Noah works here," Terry said, presenting the idea to Noah and the fam. "But the only way this works is that you have to be 100 percent in on it."


Noah didn't offer an immediate "yes," but he couldn't deny how valuable the opportunity would be: "Owning a restaurant in Hawaii is extremely expensive so this is something I never ever thought would happen."

Plus, this wasn't just any establishment.

"I've been coming to this restaurant since I was little," Lacey said. "So the thought of buying it is pretty magical."

Before making a decision, Noah wanted to test out the kitchen. Rachel, on the other hand, saw the family dinner as an excuse to introduce Terry to her latest beau: Bachelorette alum Connor Saeli.

And it's safe to say he made quite the impression, as the duo pranked Terry into thinking they were engaged.

"Have you lost your mind?!" he responded when Rachel broke the news. "What? Shut up!"


Rachel and Connor ultimately revealed they were joking, but soon, the Bradshaws were able to celebrate for a legitimate reason: Terry's 72nd birthday. 

"We can't really buy him something material," Terry's wife Tammy told Rachel, Erin and Lacey. "So each one of you should come up with some sort of symbolic thing that you can give him to show him all the amazing things he has in life that he can appreciate."

Erin found herself struggling to come up with an idea, until Terry asked her, "When are you gonna have a baby? All I want for my birthday is to hear, 'Dad, you're gonna be a grandpa again!'"

12 Fascinating Facts About Terry Bradshaw

Too busy to be able to deliver on that present, Erin offered a compromise. 

"Even though Scott and I aren't planning on having children right now, we definitely want to soon," she explained. "So that's my gift to dad: not that we're gonna have a baby right now, but the knowledge that we're going to start a family in the future."

Rachel's gift was equally sentimental, she revealed in a confessional: "Dad's helped me through so many challenges this year—he helped me through my breakup with Dustin, he got me over my fear of singing—so for his birthday present, I'm going to play him a new song that he inspired me to write."


Terry was thrilled before Rachel even began playing, telling her, "You've been writing?! Oh my gosh. I'm so happy that you're doing this."

Then, as she played the song, Terry got so emotional he looked as though he was about to cry.

"You should be proud of yourself. I know I am. I'm proud for you," he said afterward. "I was so afraid of when you lost your husband, you said, 'That's it, I'm through. I'm never gonna write, never gonna sing again. I'm not going on stage.'"

He continued, "But I know better. There's nothing you love more than being on stage. You're just like me. And god gave you an incredible voice." 

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Another heartwarming moment came when it was Lacey's turn to give Terry his gift. 

She and Noah began by bringing him outside and explaining that while they'd enjoyed their "trial basis" in Texas, it was "time to go home." 

But before Lacey continued, she had Zurie distribute two presents for Terry and Tammy to open. 

What was inside? Bedazzled keychains with a single key on them.

"We just figured we have to go home...to pack all our things up and move them over here into the new house!" Lacey exclaimed, revealing that she and Noah were relocating to Texas after all, and that they'd just bought a house. 

That, and Noah was on board to start a restaurant with Terry!


Everything seemed to come together perfectly, and Terry was over the moon.

As he put it, "I'm truly a blessed man."

Binge episodes of The Bradshaw Bunch any time here!


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