
Pizza and Red Wine Is Janel Parrish's Idea of Self-Care and We've Never Been More Inspired

Exclusive: The Pretty Little Liars star opened up about her self-care routine as part of E!'s Wellness Wednesday series.

By Tierney Bricker Sep 23, 2020 7:00 AMTags
Janel Parrish: My Self-Care Routine, Wellness Wednesdays

 We've got a secret and we have no plans to keep it: Janel Parrish is seriously inspiring us right now.

The Pretty Little Liars star opened up about her self-care routine as part of E! News' Wellness Wednesday series and Parrish's positive outlook and daily practices are just the mid-week boost we need.

The 31-year-old star, whose film Mighty Oak is currently streaming on AppleTV+ and Amazon Prime Video, detailed everything from her morning routine to her favorite way to break a sweat and her relatable AF go-to indulgences.  

Read on to get details on Parrish's entire wellness routine...

Affirmation or Mantra You Tell Yourself:
"Today's gonna be a good day." Because your day begins with what you tell yourself. If you start the day by believing it's going to be a good day, you put yourself in that mindset.  If you start the day in a negative place, you're setting yourself up for failure.

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The First Thing You Do in the Morning:
I play this New York Times spelling bee puzzle on my phone and my sister and I text each other the words we found and team up to win. It's a fun little tradition and helps me wake up every morning.

Three Things You Try to Do Each Day:
Sing because it makes me happy. Work out because it makes me feel good. And check in with people I love because it's important, especially right now.

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Social Media Accounts You Follow for Positivity:
@moonomens (they share affirmations and promote positivity dailly), @barked (they share adorable videos and pics of dogs and dogs always make me smile), @thedodo (they share beautiful stories usually involving animals being saved or helping their humans) and @mindsetofgreatness (they share mantras daily).

Your Favorite Way to Break a Sweat Right Now:
Running and listening to music. The best outlet I've found these last few months being stuck in the house! I feel so great and pumped up after.

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Your Go-To Snack:
Popcorn because I love the salt. But I don't feel terrible after I eat it because popcorn is pretty light!

Your Go-To Healthy Recipe:
Turkey chili! It's easy and delicious. Chop up some veggies, saute that turkey, throw in the spices and some tomato sauce and it's done!

Your Go-To Indulgence:
Pizza forever. It's the ultimate comfort food! That with a glass of red wine: heaven!

Rival World

Your Go-To Easy Beauty Routine:
Vitamin C serum with a gua sha for five minutes each morning. It feels great, encourages blood flow in the face and lymphatic drainage. Face wakes up and looks less puffy!

Your Current Feel-Good Song:
"Sour Candy" By Lady Gaga and Blackpink. It's the ultimate bop! I love to put it on while getting ready and it gets me going!

The Apps or Podcasts You've Been Turning To:
Insight Timer. It's packed with lots of great meditations and courses, and you can choose based on what you want to focus on. I've loved it for stress release and anxiety these past few months.

No. 1 Self-Care Tip:
Be kind to yourself. It sounds so simple, but it's actually pretty hard if you're feeling down or anxious. Be patient with yourself and trust in your strength when things are hard.

You Can't Go to Bed Without Doing This:
Washing my face and putting on my numerous face creams. It's relaxing and if I don't do it, I feel guilty the next day!

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What Is Making You the Happiest Right Now:
These past few months have been an eye-opening experience for us all. I think what makes me the happiest is the perspective of it all and how much this has taught me to appreciate the little things instead of stressing the little things.

Reading Recommendation:
Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed. A friend of mine got it for me last year and it's my go-to when I need a quick pep talk or mantra. It's packed with beautiful quotes and affirmations regarding strength and positivity.

Parrish's movie, Mighty Oak, is streaming on Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video.

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