See Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Sweetly Kick Off the School Year With Rare Public Outing

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle handed out school supplies, food, hygiene items and more to students and families at a drive-through event in Los Angeles.

By Elyse Dupre Aug 21, 2020 3:20 PMTags
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are helping students get ready for the upcoming school year.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex teamed up with Baby2Baby for a drive-through event at Dr. Owen Lloyd Knox Elementary School in Los Angeles on Wednesday, Aug. 19. The couple distributed items like school supplies, clothing, food, and hygiene products and helped children pick out new backpacks. They also spoke with several families and wished the students good luck. 

Meghan wore a white shirt, green shorts, white sneakers and a blue and white striped Royal Jelly face mask. As for Harry, he wore a white polo, dark shorts, sneakers, a baseball cap and a face mask.

Baby2Baby shared pictures of the duo volunteering on Instagram and thanked the couple for their help. 

"We are so grateful to be onsite during the most unique back-to-school week in history distributing school supplies, backpacks, hygiene, clothing and food directly to children and families who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and are struggling to afford the basic necessities they rely on school to provide," Baby2Baby Co-Presidents Norah Weinstein and Kelly Sawyer Patricof said in a press release. "We are committed to supporting the students from our partners at LAUSD and around the country throughout distance learning as well as when they are back in the classroom."

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The participation should come as no surprise to royal admirers. After all, Harry and Meghan have a long history of volunteering and even picked Baby2Baby as one of the four organizations to accept gifts in celebration of the birth of their son, Archie Harrison, in 2019.

The couple, who officially stepped back as senior members of the royal family earlier this year, are certainly getting used to California, which they now call home. They moved into a house in Santa Barbara in July after temporarily staying in Los Angeles. As their fans are well aware, Meghan also grew up in Los Angeles and has spoken about the importance of education. She even gave a commencement address at the virtual graduation ceremony for her high school alma mater earlier this summer.

"'Always remember to put others' needs above your own fears,'" she told the graduating seniors while recalling the words of her teacher. "And that has stuck with me through my entire life."

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