Bad Bunny Makes Playboy History and Looks Good Doing it

Bad Bunny is the only man, aside from the late Hugh Hefner, to appear solo on the cover of Playboy. The singer got real about his ever-evolving career, music and more.

By Alyssa Morin Jul 07, 2020 11:01 PMTags
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Bad Bunny continues to make waves.

The 26-year-old star, whose real name is Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, just made history as Playboy's first-ever digital cover star with—wait for it—two covers. What's more? El Conejo Malo is the only man, aside from the late Hugh Hefner, to appear solo on the cover of the cult-fave publication.

Of course, Bad Bunny's larger-than-life persona, hit making music and electrifying fashion are the perfect ingredients for one memorable feature. Whether he's making history or not, the Puerto Rican singer does whatever he wants. In fact, that's the essence of his sophomore albumYHLQMDLG, which is short for Yo Hago Lo Que Me Da La Gana. He released the 20-track album in late February.

Speaking to Playboy, the 26-year-old star got candid and refreshingly honest about his ever-evolving career, his passion for music and being a queer and female ally in the machismo world of Latin trap and reggaetón.

Bad Bunny's Best Fashion Moments

"I do all of this and I'm not even sure what I cause," the Puerto Rican singer shared. "It's not until someone comes up to me and tells me, 'Man, thank you,' that I realize the impact."

Bad Bunny's "impact" ranges from fashion to politics to beauty and more. If anything, he's opened up a dialogue on how the reggaetón culture can be toxic for anyone who isn't following the machismo mindset.

"There's nothing worse than being somewhere and feeling like you don't belong," he explained. "I've been trying to make sure everybody feels part of the culture of reggaetón. I want to make sure they feel that they have someone there, that friend that can stand up for them."

"The music industry and society in general [treat women] like they're nothing," Bad Bunny expressed. "Women are human beings and deserve respect and the same treatment as anybody else."

While the "En Casita" singer has received praise for his gender-fluid performances and stylish ensembles, there have also been discussions about whether or not he's "queerbaiting."

Moreover, he's been criticized in the past for not crediting female artists on his songs, including the chart-topping "Yo Perrero Sola" track. Génesis Ríos, whose stage name is Nesi, sings the hook of the hit tune. Bad Bunny's reasoning? He told Rolling Stone he treated it the same way he treated Ricky Martin's uncredited backup singing on "Caro."

Bad Bunny/YouTube

"I would have loved to be featured, but if I had to do it all again the same way, I would," Nesi told Playboy. "He's doing it right... As a woman [in reggaetón], I've had to constantly deal with machismo. That said, I don't think it's overpowering the genre anymore."

For Bad Bunny, this new era he's spearheading makes him want to merge the two worlds he feels his audience is part of.

"I think I have an audience split in two: fans of Bad Bunny and fans of reggaetón itself, and I want to merge the two," the Puerto Rican singer explained. "I feel I have a big sector to educate. There's a lot of people who won't pay attention to other people calling them out, but they follow Bad Bunny. If he tells them what's good, maybe they can grow as people and come to accept others."

"In the end, we are human beings. Everybody feels, everybody falls in love with whoever they're meant to," he shared.

With the 26-year-old star's boundary-pushing style, hypnotizing music and ever-changing career, it's clear he's marching to the beat of his own drum. Luckily, his fans get to be part of it.

Read Bad Bunny's full cover issue here.

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