Jessica Mulroney Apologizes After Using Her ''White Privilege'' to ''Threaten'' Influencer Sasha Exeter

Jessica Mulroney apologizes to Black influencer Sasha Exeter after she said a "disagreement" between the two "got out of hand"

By Cydney Contreras Jun 11, 2020 10:33 PMTags
Jessica Mulroney, Sasha ExeterRaymond Hall/GC Images; George Pimentel/WireImage

Jessica Mulroney is taking a step back from social media after she said a "disagreement" with influencer Sasha Exeter got "out of hand."

On Thursday, the stylist and close friend of Meghan Markle wrote in a public apology via Instagram, "I want to say from my heart that every word of my apologies to Sasha over the course of the last two weeks privately, and again both publicly and privately today is true. I did not intend in any way to jeopardize her livelihood. We had a disagreement and it got out of hand. For that I am sorry."

She added that she will be stepping away from social media and intends to promote "Black voices by having them take over my account and share their experience." One such voice is that of Exeter, who she invited to take over her account "whenever she is comfortable."

In the meantime, Mulroney stated that she plans to "use this time to reflect, learn and listen."

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"The real work of bringing change goes beyond Instagram, and I want you all to know that I'm committed to using every platform and resource available to me to continue the important work of anti-racism," she concluded. "I hope you will all continue to hold me accountable." 

According to Exeter, the incident involving Mulroney inadvertently began last week when she posted an Instagram message imploring her followers to "use their voice for good and help combat the race war and what's happening to the Black community." 

Exeter explained, "Unfortunately though, one very prominent Canadian figure, who used to be an acquaintance of mine, named Jessica Mulroney, took offense to a very generic call to action that I shared to my IG Stories. And what happened next was a series of very problematic behavior and antics that ultimately resulted in her sending me a threat in writing last Wednesday, June 3." 

"Listen, I'm by no means calling Jess a racist, but what I will say is this: she is very well aware of her wealth, her perceived power and privilege because of the color of her skin," Exeter continued, adding that these aforementioned traits gave Mulroney the "confidence to come for my livelihood in writing."


Describing her issues with the stylist, Exeter said that, for one, she's upset Mulroney "never" wanted to use her voice to support the Black Lives Matter movement, when she's typically "very vocal" about other causes. Moreover, she shared that she doesn't "get" why Mulroney wouldn't want to use her platform to spread the word about Black Lives Matter when her best friend, the Duchess of Sussex is "arguably one of the most famous Black women in the world." 

Secondly, Exeter said she is disappointed that Mulroney "wrongly assumed" her call to action was aimed directly at her. She suggested, "Maybe this is possibly her showing her guilt for her lack of action and because of that she began to lash out at me."

Exeter then claimed that Mulroney privately messaged her and expressed that Black Lives Matter is not a cause she "wanted to share" and that she was afraid she'd be "bullied or vilified by the public or media if she did." In addition, Exeter said that Mulroney emphasized the importance of promoting her CTV reality show I Do, Redo ahead of its season finale.

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According to Exeter, the situation escalated when Mulroney blocked her on social media. Exeter said in the video that she received a message from Mulroney that read, "I have also spoken to companies and people about the way you have treated me unfairly. You think your voice matters. Well, it only matters if you express it with kindness and without shaming people who are simply trying to learn. Good luck."

"For her to threaten me—a single mom, a single Black mom—during a racial pandemic blows my mind," she stated. 

The single mother added that Mulroney allegedly texted her with "excuse after excuse" after realizing "she had screwed up big time." Exeter said she questioned, "How can you be about the Black people and be a supporter and be about female empowerment on the outside, when you're attempting to silence a Black woman during this movement behind closed doors? It just seems very contradictory to me."

Felipe Ramales /

Mulroney, whose children served as bridesmaids and groomsmen at Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, later said in a since-deleted comment, "@sashaexeter, you are right when you say 'this s--t needs to stop'. As leaders, we need to join hands and call out wrongs. I know we have different experiences. And that is something that, even in the course of a heated argument, I need to acknowledge and understand. I am unequivocally sorry for not doing that with you, and for any hurt I caused. As I told you privately, I have lived a very public and personal experience with my closest friend where race was front and centre. It was deeply educational. I learned a lot from that. I promise to continue to learn and listen on how I can use my privilege to elevate and support Black voices."

However, not long after sharing this public apology, Mulroney allegedly sent another message threatening Exeter with a "liable suit," likely intending to write "libel". Exeter posted a screenshot of this to her Instagram Stories. 

Exeter said she is now taking a break from social media as well, but felt it was important to speak out in the hopes that it will "help change things for the next generation," including her daughter Maxwell. She wrote, "I will be dammed if my child ever has to deal with this level of ignorance."

Since news of the allegations against Mulroney's have gone public, CTV announced they will no longer be airing Mulroney's reality show I Do, Redo on their channels and platforms effective immediately, as her alleged actions conflicts with their "commitment to diversity and equality." 

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