
Why Kenya Moore Isn't Taking Off Her Ring From Marc Daly Just Yet

The Real Housewives star shared the real reason why she's not ready to part with her wedding ring.

By Vannessa Jackson Nov 05, 2019 7:50 PMTags

Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got! 

Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kenya Moore dropped by the E! News studios to chat with the hosts of Daily Pop Justin Sylvester, Morgan Stewartand Carissa Culiner. Before she could get anything out, Justin questioned her about the giant diamond sparkler still on her hand after the recent announcement of a split from her husband of two years Marc Daly

"I thought you guys separated?" Justin asked her. "Are you guys getting back together?" As the panel waited with baited breathe, Kenya revealed that things are not always as clear cut as they may seem on the surface. 

"We did separate," she shared. "You know with married couples things happen and arguments happen and you have highs and lows. We have not filed. Either of us has not filed yet, so I'm not going to take my ring off until it's over."

Kenya Moore's Pregnancy Style

It's not over until it's over! "Right now there is still a chance," she continued. "Because we're still talking and we're still...we still very much care about each other and we love each other." 

Morgan followed-up with a very important question for her. "Do you still want things to work out," Morgan grilled her. "Do you feel like that's what you want? Or you feel like you're just taking it day by day." In classic Kenya style, she didn't hold back her thoughts on the state of her marriage. 

"It is what I want. I mean, that's my family," she explained of the situation. "Marc is my husband, we have a beautiful child together and that's our family. That's what I prayed for my entire life, and to have it and to give up within two years is not something that I would want to do." 

Watch: Kenya Moore Talks Holding a Peach Again & Baby Brooklyn

Although the love is still there, that doesn't mean that there aren't things that need to change in order for it to work. "Counseling, better communication," are the two things Kenya revealed they need to fix. "I think it's really kind of simple when you put it in a box, but that means unpacking a lot of issues." 

Leave it to Justin to hit her with the bombshell question. "Have you considered your life as a single mother," he asked point blank. After a moment of startling realization, Kenya was able to gather her thoughts. "Uh, no. Honestly, If I were a single mother, I wouldn't be single for long," she shared. 

Of course not, Kenya! There is no doubt about that! 

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