Brad Pitt Will Make You Love Him Even More After This Charming Interview With a Viral Kid Reporter

Jaden Jefferson sat down with the actor for The Ellen DeGeneres Show

By Elyse Dupre Sep 20, 2019 3:51 PMTags
Brad PittMichael Rozman/Warner Bros.

Get ready for cuteness overload!

Brad Pitt participated in what is, arguably, his most adorable interview yet for Friday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show

The 55-year-old actor actually appeared on the talk-show last week. However, he wasn't the only famous face to take the stage. Ellen DeGeneres also spoke with kid reporter Jaden Jefferson—an 11-year-old journalist who went viral after he charmed audiences with his political coverage. After the show, Pitt requested an interview with Jefferson.

During the interview, the two covered a lot of ground. They talked about the A-lister's new movie Ad Astra, what it was like to wear a space suit for the role and whether he'd ever want to travel to the moon. Jefferson also gave recommendations for visiting his hometown of Toledo, Ohio and asked the celebrity what his dream job was as a kid. 

"You know, I wanted to build homes," the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star said. "So, I was thinking about building."

At one point, Pitt turned the tables and started interviewing Jefferson about his thoughts on the Cleveland Browns.

Actually, DeGeneres thought Jefferson did such a great job with the interview that she invited back to have a sit-down session with Oprah Winfrey.

Watch the video to see the interview.

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