Louis Tomlinson Says One Direction Would "Make Up" Rumors About Niall Horan's Sex Life

The boy band, known to be pranksters, announced their "extended hiatus" in 2015.

By Jamie Blynn Sep 12, 2019 12:55 PMTags

The story of Niall Horan's life, even he can't escape a prank pulled off by his former bandmates. 

As it turns out, the One Direction guys—Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne—would often spin stories about Niall's sex life for their own entertainment. (FYI, the Irish singer has previously dated Ellie Goulding and Hailee Steinfeld.)

"When I was in One Direction," Louis recalled on Australia's Smallzy radio show, "Sometimes we just used to make up different people that Niall had slept with on tour." After all, how else were they going to pass all that time on the road?

Not that this should come as a surprise. As any true 1D fan would know, the fivesome were notorious pranksters. "During a concert, we'll always, every now and then, change a few words," Louis previously confessed to E! News, noting their antics were always "stupid and random...just something for fun."

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Back in August 2015, the beloved, iconic, generation defining boy band—ok, we'll calm down—confirmed their decision to take an extended hiatus. The news came just five months after Zayn announced he was quitting the beloved, iconic, generation defining boy band.

Today, their future together still remains up in the air.

"I don't think I'd ever say I'd never do it again, because I don't feel that way," Harry told Rolling Stone of a possible reunion. "If there's a time when we all really want to do it, that's the only time for us to do it, because I don't think it should be about anything else other than the fact that we're all like, 'Hey, this was really fun. We should do this again.'"

"But until that time, I feel like I'm really enjoying making music and experimenting," the solo artist added. "I enjoy making music this way too much to see myself doing a full switch, to go back and do that again. Because I also think if we went back to doing things the same way, it wouldn't be the same, anyway."

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