Long Live the House of Stark! Eight Seasons Later, Which Game of Thrones Stark Family Member Is Your Favorite?

By Johnni Macke Apr 12, 2019 5:00 PMTags
Game of Thrones Stark Family

All hail the Stark family!

Over eight years and eight seasons, Game of Thrones fans have come to love a lot of different characters on the HBO series, but when push comes to shove there is one family that has had us all hooked from day one...the Stark clan.

The House of Stark of Winterfell might've started out as the rulers of the North, but throughout the show they've become our favorite family to root for no matter where they have resided or who they were battling for or against.

Now that the final season of GOT is almost here—it premieres on Sunday, Apr. 14—we have one question...besides who is going to sit on the Iron Throne. That question is: which member of the OG Stark family is your all-time favorite?

If you've been out of the game a little while, or need a little refresher for who exactly is in the House of Stark, we've got you covered.

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For starters, we have the Stark patriarch, Eddard "Ned" Stark (Sean Bean), who quickly made us love his family, despite his early downfall. Then there is his wife Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley), who was a total badass.

Together the couple has five kids all of which we've loved for one reason or another throughout their time on the series. Some are still alive (thank goodness), but others are dead and we miss them oh so much.

No matter what their status in the world of GOT, we will always have a special place for the Stark siblings in our hearts.

So, who are the fab five kids of the Stark family? Let's start with Robb Stark (Richard Madden), the eldest child and short-term King of the North. He was a great leader of the family, even if he didn't outlive his younger siblings.

Then there is Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner), who has been married off, underestimated and messed with more times than we can count, but she still has come out on top.

Her little sister Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) is just as fierce...she even comes with her own kill list!

Their two younger brothers, Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) and Rickon Stark (Art Parkinson), were just little tykes when we met them but they have continually impressed us with their resilience. Seriously, they have faced a lot of bad situations along the way.

Of course, there is one more son that we can't forget about...Jon Snow (Kit Harington). While he isn't a Stark, he is the bastard son of Ned, so he is family.

Plus, he is a fan favorite thanks to his time as a Night Watchman, his devilishly handsome looks and his ability to beat death.

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Lastly, we're going to give a little shout out to Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen), because despite turning on the Stark family after Ned's death, he was raised by them and was a big part of the family at one point in time.

As we continue the journey through the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones, we want to know which Stark family member is your forever favorite?

Are you a fan of one of the parents? Or, are you all about the Stark siblings? Perhaps Jon Snow is your guy. Either way, we want you to vote below for your top choice and then prepare for winter, because it's coming!


Game of Thrones Stark Family Poll

Which member of the Stark family is your favorite on Game of Thrones?
Eddard "Ned" Stark
Catelyn Stark
Robb Stark
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Bran Stark
Rickon Stark
Jon Snow
Theon Greyjoy

Game of Thrones airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.

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